When installing a new heat pump, air conditioner, or furnace, there are many factors which can affect the final price of such an installation. Here are the most common factors: The Brand and Model of the Equipment: All systems are not created equal. Superior systems will consume less energy, operate at lower sound levels, be made of higher-quality and durable components, and be able to achieve a higher overall home comfort for you and your family. Technical Requirements: Your homes’ square footage, year of construction, insulation level, design considerations, and existing duct work will all influence the type of system and labour required to install a new heating and air conditioning system. Optional Accessories: Depending on your homes’ characteristics, it may be necessary to install a central humidifier, air exchanger, snow guard, or condensate pump. Code requirements including safety, licensing, and building code requirements To get an accurate, no-obligation estimate, you can Request a Quote here.